Concursos para Investigadores - 2022
- 4161 - PhD Researcher Recruitment (Initial Stage Researcher); cE3c; DYNAMICTRIO (HORIZON-ERC-STG-101042392) (Edital PT - Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 4160 - PhD Researcher Recruitment (Initial Stage Researcher); LASIGE; SATO (H2020-LC-SC3-957128) and SMART2B (H2020-LC-SC3-2020-101023666) (Edital PT - Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 4159 - PhD Researcher Recruitment (Initial Stage Researcher); BioISI; Project Sign2Sense (Ref. CFRF EE Grant) (Edital PT - Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 4155 - PhD Researcher Recruitment (Initial Stage Researcher); BioISI, Project ViscoelasticCell (Ref. PTDC/FIS-MAC/2741/2021) (Edital PT - Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 4148 - PhD Scientific Researcher Recruitment (Assistant Researcher); IDL; Projects CORTADO and COCABLUE (Agreements between University of St Andrews and FCiências.ID: Ref. 20776 and Ref. 18313, respectively) (Edital PT - Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 4136 - Recruitment of a Research Technician with a Bachelor Degree; BioISI (Ref. UIDB/04046/2020) (Edital PT - Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 4134 - Recruitment of a Science and Technology Manager in the category of a Head of R&D Resources with a Bachelor Degree; BioISI; (Ref. UIDB/04046/2020) (Edital PT - Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 4133 - PhD Scientific Researcher Recruitment (Initial Stage Researcher); CFCUL: (Ref. UIDB/00678/2020 and UIDP/00678/2020) (Edital PT - Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 4131 - Recruitment of a Science and Technology Manager in the category of a Head of R&D Resources with a Master Degree; CFCUL; Project WALKING BODY (Ref. Grant # 2021EVA-Ciaunica) (Edital PT - Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 4127 - Recruitment of a Science and Technology Manager in the category of a Head of R&D Resources with a Master Degree; cE3c (Ref. UIDB/00329/2020) (Edital PT - Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 4125 - PhD Scientific Researcher Recruitment (Initial Stage Researcher), GFMUL, (Ref. UIDB/00208/2020) (Edital PT - Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 4124 - 2 PhD Scientific Researchers Recruitment (Initial Stage Researchers); cE3c; Project SS-SARS2-WP (Ref. 060701/2021/864489/SUB/ENV.C2) (Edital PT - Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 4105 - PhD Researcher Recruitment (Initial Stage Researcher); MARE; Project LIFE21-NAT-IT-PREDATOR (Ref. LIFE21-NAT-IT-PREDATOR) (Edital PT - Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 4102 - Recruitment of a Research Trainee with a Master degree, cE3c, Project SEEDS (Ref. CHIST-ERA/0005/2019) (Edital PT - Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 4088 - Recruitment of a Research Technician with a Master Degree, IDL, Project SEMACRET (Ref. HORIZON-CL4-2021-RESILIENCE-01-06 - 101057741) (Edital PT - Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 4086 - PhD Recruitment of one Specialist in Laboratory and Computer Infrastructures (EILC); CQE (Ref. UIDP/00100/2020) (Edital PT - Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 4084 - Recruitment of a Research Technician with a Master Degree, cE3c, Project JustWind4All (Ref. HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-03 - 101083936) (Edital PT - Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 4080 - PhD Researcher Recruitment (Auxiliar Researcher), LASIGE, Project ADMORPH (Ref. H2020-ICT-871259) (Edital PT - Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 4076 - Recruitment of a Research Technician with a Master Degree, cE3c, Project HYBRIDOMICS (Ref. PTDC/BIA-EVL/4345/2021) (Edital PT - Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 4072 - PhD Researcher Recruitment (Initial Stage Researcher); BioISI, Project ViscoelasticCell (Ref. PTDC/FIS-MAC/2741/2021) (Edital PT - Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 4071 - Recruitment of a Science and Technology Manager in the category of Assistant Technician (without degree), GFMUL (Ref. UIDB/00208/2020) and CMAFcIO (Ref. UIDB/04561/2020) (Edital PT - Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 4070 - PhD Researcher Recruitment (Initial Stage Researcher), cE3c, Project EDGES (Ref. PTDC/BIA-BMA/1893/2020) (Edital PT - Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 4069 - Research Assistant with a Master Degree; IDL; Project CoCO2 (Ref. H2020-IBA-SPACE-CHE2-958927) (Edital PT - Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 4061 - PhD Specialist in Laboratory and Computer Infrastructures (EILC); Associated Laboratory Institute Dom Luiz (IDL); Ref. LA/P/0068/2020 (Edital PT - Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 4044 - PhD Researcher Recruitment (Assistant Researcher); IDL; CORTADO (Ref. 20776) and COCABLUE (Ref. 18313) (Edital PT - Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 4040 - PhD Researcher Recruitment (Initial Stage Researcher); LASIGE; UIDP/00408/2020 (Edital PT - Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 4035 - Recruitment of a Research Technician with a Master Degree; LASIGE; IDEA-FAST (Ref. H2020-JTI-IMI2-853981-2) (Edital PT - Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 4030 - Recruitment of two Research Trainees with a Master degree (employment contract); cE3c; PROVIDE (Ref. H2020-LC-CLA-2020-2 - 101003687), REGILIENCE (Ref. H2020-LC-GD-2020-2 - 101036560), LOCOMOTION (Ref. H2020-LC-CLA-2018-2 - 821105), RethinkAction (Ref. H2020-LC-GD-2020-2-101037104) and MAGICA (Ref. HORIZON-CL5-2021-D1-01-101056920) (Edital PT - Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 4024 - PhD Researcher Recruitment (Initial Stage Researcher); cE3c; LOCOMOTION (Ref. H2020-LC-CLA-2018-2 - 821105), RethinkAction (Ref. H2020-LC-GD-2020-2 -101037104), PROVIDE (Ref. H2020-LC-CLA-2020-2 - 101003687) and REGILIENCE (Ref. H2020-LC-GD-2020-2 - 101036560) (Edital PT - Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 4014 - PhD Researcher Recruitment (Initial Stage Researcher); IA; BEYLA (Ref. PTDC/FIS-AST/0054/2021) (Edital PT - Edital Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 4013 - Recruitment of a Science and Technology Manager with a Bachelor degree; CEAUL & IBEB; contrato-programa (Ref. UIDP/00006/2020) e (Ref. UIDB/00645/2020) (Edital PT - Edital Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 4012 - PhD Researcher Recruitment (Assistant Researcher); IDL; SEMACRET (Ref. HORIZON-CL4-2021-RESILIENCE-01-101057741) (Edital PT - Edital Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 3992 - Recruitment of a Research Technician with a Master Degree; cE3c; Contrato programa - UIDP/00329/2020 (Edital PT - Edital Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 3990 - PhD Specialist in laboratory and computer infrastructures; CQE; contrato-programa (Ref. UIDP/00100/2020) (Edital PT - Edital Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 3989 - Recruitment of a Research Technician with a Master Degree; cE3c; HYBRIDOMICS - PTDC/BIA-EVL/4345/2021 (Edital PT - Edital Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 3972 - PhD Researcher Recruitment (Assistant Researcher); cE3c; contrato-programa - UIDP/00329/2020 (Edital PT - Edital Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 3969 - Recruitment of a Research Technician with a Master Degree; cE3c; contrato-programa - UIDP/00329/2020 (Edital PT - Edital Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 3950 - Recruitment of a Research Technician with a Bachelor Degree; cE3c; Chance or curse? - HFSP-RGY0081/2020 (Edital PT - Edital Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 3947 - PhD Researcher Recruitment (Initial Stage Researcher); GFMUL; contrato-programa - UIDP/00208/2020 (Edital PT - Edital Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 3943 - PhD Researcher Recruitment (Initial Stage Researcher); CESAM; TROJAN RATS - PTDC/SAU-PUB/29254/2017 (Edital PT - Edital Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 3942 - PhD Researcher Recruitment (Assistant Researcher); cE3c; contrato-programa - UIDP/00329/2020 (Edital PT - Edital Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 3929 - Recruitment of a Science and Technology Manager in the category of Head of R&D Resources (Master degree); CFCUL; MAGIC SHOES - 383-000053 (Edital PT - Edital Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 3926 - Recruitment of Research Technician (Master Degree); cE3c; SOILdarity - H2020-WIDESPREAD-TWINNING-952051 (Edital PT - Edital Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 3924 - Recruitment of a Science Communicator (PhD Degree); cE3c; contrato-programa - UIDP/00329/2020 (Edital PT - Edital Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 3923 - Recruitment of a Science and Technology Manager in the category of Head of R&D Resources (Master degree ); cE3c; contrato-programa - UIDP/00329/2020 (Edital PT - Edital Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 3919 - PhD Researcher Recruitment (Initial Stage Researcher); MARE; OCEANPLAN - PTDC/CTA-AMB/30226/2017 (Edital PT - Edital Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 3910 - PhD Researcher Recruitment (Assistant Researcher); IDL; Projectos CORTADO (Ref. 20776) e COCABLUE (Ref. 18313) (Edital PT - Edital Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 3899 - Recruitment of a Research Trainee (Master Degree); CQE; contrato-programa - UIDB/00100/2020 (Edital PT - Edital Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 3897 - Recruitment of a Science and Technology Manager in the category of Head of R&D Resources (Bachelor Degree); IA; contrato-programa - UIDB/04434/2020 (Edital PT - Edital Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 3892 - Recruitment of an Innovation Expert (PhD degree) (EINOV); Lab IMS - CIÊNCIAS; LA/P/0056/2020 (Edital PT - Edital Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 3891 - Recruitment of a Research Technician (Bachelor Degree); IDL; PTDC/CTA-MET/29233/2017 - LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-029233 - NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-029233 (Edital PT - Edital Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 3890 - Recruitment of a Research Technician (Bachelor Degree); IDL; PTDC/CTA-MET/29233/2017 - LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-029233 - NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-029233 (Edital PT - Edital Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 3889 - Recruitment of a Research Assistant (Master Degree); LASIGE; H2020-SC1-DTH-101017598 (Edital PT - Edital Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 3888 - PhD Researcher Recruitment (Initial Stage Researcher); IDL; WEx-Atlantic - PTDC/CTA-MET/29233/2017, LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-029233, NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-029233 (Edital PT - Edital Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 3886 - PhD Researcher Recruitment (Assistant Researcher); CESAM-CIÊNCIAS; Laboratório Associado CESAM-CIÊNCIAS - LA/P/0094/2020 (Edital PT - Edital Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 3881 - PhD Researcher Recruitment (Initial Stage Researcher); BioISI; EPIRaft - PTDC/SAU-PUB/28311/2017 e LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-028311 (Edital PT - Edital Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 3878 - PhD Researcher Recruitment (Assistant Researcher); cE3c; A segunda vaga - PTDC/BIA-CBI/2434/2021 (Edital PT - Edital Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 3876 - Recruitment of a Research Technician (Master Degree); cE3c; MultiE - PTDC/BIA-EVL/0321/2021 (Edital PT - Edital Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 3870 - Recruitment of a Research Technician (Master Degree); MARE; 100 SPID 8065 (Edital PT - Edital Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 3861 - Recruitment of a Research Technician (Master Degree); cE3c; MATRIHEALTH (Edital PT - Edital Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 3854 - 2 PhD Researchers Recruitment (Assistant Researcher); cE3c; COLOSSUS - PTDC/CVT-CVT/29783/2017, LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-029783, POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029783 (Edital PT - Edital Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 3853 - Recruitment of a Research Technician (Master Degree); BioISI; viscoelasticCell - PTDC/FIS-MAC/2741/2021 (Edital PT - Edital Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 3850 - PhD Researcher Recruitment (Initial Stage Researcher); CENTRA; YoBD - PTDC/FIS-AST/28731/2017 (Edital PT - Edital Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 3847 - PhD Researcher Recruitment (Initial Stage Researcher); IBEB; SOTO - EXPL/PSI-GER/1148/2021 (Edital PT - Edital Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 3839 - 2 PhD Researcher Recruitment (Initial Stage Researcher); CESAM; contrato-programa - UIDB/50017/2020 (Edital PT - Edital Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 3836 - Recruitment of a Research Technician (Master Degree); cE3c; CLIMAX - EXPL/BIA-EVL/0131/2021 (Edital PT - Edital Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 3833 - Recruitment of a Research Technician (Master Degree); IDL; PyBe - EXPL/CTA-GEF/0183/2021 (Edital PT - Edital Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 3832 - PhD Researcher Recruitment (Initial Stage Researcher); BioISI; PARKSIA - PTDC/BTM-TEC/28554/2017 (Edital PT - Edital Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 3831 - PhD Researcher Recruitment (Initial Stage Researcher); cE3c; COLOSSUS - PTDC/CVT-CVT/29783/2017, LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-029783, POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029783 (Edital PT - Edital Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 3830 - 2 PhD Researchers Recruitment (Initial Stage Researchers); cE3c; COLOSSUS - PTDC/CVT-CVT/29783/2017, LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-029783, POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029783 (Edital PT - Edital Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 3829 - 2 PhD Researchers Recruitment (Assistant Researcher); cE3c; COLOSSUS - PTDC/CVT-CVT/29783/2017, LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-029783, POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029783 (Edital PT - Edital Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 3826 - PhD Researcher Recruitment (Initial Stage Researcher); MARE; EDNA-SARAMUGO - CPS 14/2021 (Edital PT - Edital Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 3821 - PhD Researcher Recruitment (Initial Stage Researcher); IA; BEYLA - PTDC/FIS-AST/0054/2021 (Edital PT - Edital Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 3820 - Recruitment of a Research Technician with a Bachelor in Biology; cE3c; RapidSpeciation - PTDC/BIA-EVL/2398/2021 (Edital PT - Edital Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 3811 - PhD Researcher Recruitment (Initial Stage Researcher); MARE; LIFELINE - PTDC/BIA-ECO/29261/2017 (Edital PT - Edital Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 3810 - Recruitment of a Research Technician (Master Degree); LASIGE; ACESS2021 - CPS01/2022 (Edital PT - Edital Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 3798 - 2 PhD Researchers Recruitment (Assistant Researcher); cE3c; COLOSSUS - PTDC/CVT-CVT/29783/2017, LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-029783, POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029783 (Edital PT - Edital Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed
- 3797 - PhD Researcher Recruitment (Assistant Researcher); cE3c;COLOSSUS - PTDC/CVT-CVT/29783/2017, LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-029783, POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029783 (Edital PT - Edital Public Notice EN) - Encerrado/Closed